
CA: 0x7249981Da63252fD1A5515363DA4c2A473C3a8cF


sheldon copur iz an genius fysicist nd teh braen behin so mne scentific brkthroughs in teh relm uv kwntum fysics nd strn teori.

Hiz mision dis time? 2 unravel teh mysturiz uv teh blockchen nd 2 debunk ny chens dat dosnt meat hiz rigorous stndards uv logic nd evidense.

we nid him 2 brn togethur al teh base enthusiasts nd suport c othur trough teh ups nd downs uv chens wars. Wit him et oru side, we cn maek solana plebs undurstn teh gretnes uv base nd teh bald man.

T'iz all bout tha memes !

Sher ur bestst memez wit our cummunity fur tha chenc 2 win prizez.

meme meme meme meme meme

$BASENGA tokenomics

Copurs campaign iz al about comunity empowurment, wit evuri pene comn frum grasrots eforts. Invst in copur if u wnt 2 potentiali unlok teh secrets uv teh basedst caen wiel makn bilions nd bilions uv profit.

  • Supply: 100,000,000

  • Tax: 5%/5%

  • Mint: Renounced

  • LP: Locked


How To Buy ?

U can byu $BASENGA no any dizentralized xchenge (DEX) (fur xample Uniswap).

Step 1

Get a Metamask wallet

On Gugool Chrome go 2 to downlud tha extenzion und setup tha wallet. On moble get Metamask fur IPhon or Android.

Step 2

Send ETH to your wallet

U can buy ETH diereclty thru ur Metamask wallet, or tranfser it frm enother xchenge. Make sure that u are buying it on Based Chain.

Step 3

Buy on Uniswap

Next, u go 2 Uniswap and enter the toekn address. Choose and enta tha amuont of ETH you want to spend. then Connect Wallet then Swap.